
Proper cleaning and sanitising of premises?

By January 29, 2024 No Comments
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Proper cleaning and sanitising of premises and equipment is critical to maintaining a safe and hygienic environment in which to handle and prepare food.



Be Food Safe


What is meant by proper cleaning and sanitising of premises?


Proper cleaning and sanitising of premises and equipment is critical to maintaining a safe and hygienic environment in which to handle and prepare food. Failure to follow proper procedures can lead to cross-contamination and the spread of harmful pathogens.

The cleaning and sanitising process involves a combination of physical cleaning, such as wiping or scrubbing, and the use of chemicals to kill bacteria and other harmful pathogens. It is important to follow proper procedures to ensure that all surfaces and equipment are thoroughly cleaned and sanitised.

To ensure proper cleaning and sanitising, it is important to have a detailed cleaning and sanitising plan in place. This plan should outline the specific procedures to be followed, including the types of cleaning agents to be used and the frequency of cleaning. It is also important to have the appropriate cleaning and sanitising equipment on hand, such as mops, buckets, and cleaning solutions.

When cleaning and sanitising premises and equipment, it is important to follow a step-by-step process to ensure that all surfaces and equipment are thoroughly cleaned and sanitised. This includes removing any visible dirt or debris, pre-cleaning the surface or equipment with a suitable cleaner, sanitising with an appropriate solution, and then rinsing and drying the surface or equipment. 

It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for any cleaning or sanitising agents used and to ensure that the solution is at the correct concentration. All equipment and utensils should be cleaned and sanitised after each use, and the entire premises should be thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis. 

By following these guidelines, you can help ensure the safety and hygiene of your premises and equipment.


Cleaning program

Walk through your premises and make a list of all the items that need cleaning.  Start with items like the structure (floor, walls and ceiling), equipment, fittings and fixtures.  Using a chart similar to the example below, list these items down the first column.  Consider items not cleaned frequently, as well as daily items.

Besides each item listed to clean, write down the cleaning product and cleaning method.  Fill in details on how often it should be cleaned (ie daily, weekly).  Also write down the person responsible for making sure the task is completed and the date to be completed by:

  • Laminate the chart and use a water-based marker to tick the completed column when the task is done
  • Ensure staff know how the schedule works and the role they should play
  • Ensure staff carry out regular checks on their areas
  • Place the schedule on the wall so it can be easily seen by all staff
  • Review the schedule regularly and check that all tasks are completed
Fitting and equipment Cleaning products Cleaning methods How often Staff member responsible Completed Yes/No Date




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How to Be Food Safe eGuide

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